What is The Hip Homestead All About?
Welcome to The Hip Homestead, a Home, Garden, and Lifestyle Blog for Modern Homesteaders. But I’m sure you gathered that from my home page. So let me expand: Here on the blog, I have 5 main focuses which might seem like a lot but they all kind of weave together. I write about Urban and Modern Homesteading, Natural Living, Earth Focus Topics, Organic Gardening, and Nature Crafts and Garden Crafts. Feel free to learn more below.
Modern Homesteading: Re-skilling and Old World Skill Revival
For me, Modern Homesteading is all about re-skilling and old world skill revival, not about where you live or how big your farm is. For me, it’s more about becoming a capable & productive human. Being able to build, create, mend, and make objects that are functional, beautiful or delicious. Some modern homesteading topics I intend to write about include the following, use the links below to read my current articles on these topics.
Food: Preservation, scratch cooking, craft beer (yummm), wood fire cooking, big batch cooking
Animals: Urban hens, gardening with chickens, chicken coops and tractors
Re-skilling: Woodworking, vintage skills, knitting, spinning, soap making
Some of my current Modern Homesteading articles on The Hip Homestead include:
21 Epic Insider Resources to Grow Your Homestead Skills
Modern Homesteading
How to Create an Amazing Homestead Garden
See them and more here
Organic Gardening: Growing Your Own Food
Organic gardening touches my life every day. I grow food that my family eats all year round, I buy from and support organic farmers in my area and I am an organic garden designer. It’s just what I do. So for me, it’s only natural to share my adventures in organic gardening with all of you. I’m planning on writing more about the following:
Growing Food: Veggie gardening, growing fruit & berries, herb gardening
Soil Science: Composting, amendments, soil repair, and compost tea
Garden skills: Fruit and berry pruning, garden design, crop harvesting, herb, veggie, and fruit drying
Some of my current Organic Gardening articles on The Hip Homestead include:
Organic Compost: A Beginners Guide to Composting
How to Design and Plant a Stunning Berry Garden
The Best DIY Seed Starting Mix
See all my Organic Gardening Posts here
Natural Living: Health and Wellness
For me, natural living and health and wellness are a journey not, a destination. We all head out with the noblest of intentions and can easily be derailed by ease and convenience. My goal here is to find balance, between modern living and organic/scratch living, while learning what works for my family along the way. I’m excited to start incorporating more health and wellness and natural living articles here on the blog. Some natural living topics I intend to write about include:
Organic Lifestyle: Clean eating, garden to table recipes, meditation, yoga, hiking, outdoor living
Organic Beauty: Natural skincare and herbal/organic beauty, organic hair care, herbalism & natural remedies
Healthy Homes: Healthy home renovation, toxic-free homes, natural cleaners, indoor air quality
Some of my current Natural Living articles on The Hip Homestead include:
Easy All Natural Lip Balm
How to Prep a Week of Healthy Smoothies
Chill Out Herbal Tea Recipe
See my current natural living posts here
Earth Focus Living: Seasonal Connection & Land Stewardship
I am definitely a child of the natural world. I was raised rural and somewhat remote. I was a wilderness-child and spent most of my time outside adventuring, swimming and exploring the rural countryside on foot, bike, ATV or on horseback. When I moved to the city in my 20’s I quickly realized that it was not the place for me. I am now back in a semi-rural/suburban space where I have access to nature all around me and I am excited to start bringing more Earth-focused articles to the blog. I intend to write more about seasonal living, outdoor adventuring, sustainability, and land stewardship, so stay tuned for that.
Seasonality: Seasonal eating, celebrating seasonal change, Solstice/Equinox, natural seasonal decor
Nature Appreciation: Time in nature, foraging, natural medicine, hiking/snowshoeing
Land Stewardship: Sustainability, earth repair, permaculture, self-sufficiency
Some of my current Earth Focus articles on The Hip Homestead include:
7 Witchy Ways to Use your Garden Herbs
More Earth Focused articles coming soon
Garden, Green & Nature Crafts: Fun and Creativity
This section is all about fun and creativity. It’s where I get to share the projects that I am working on and to share what inspires me. I’ll definitely be adding a ton to this category, in the coming months, everything from furniture makeovers to floral arrangements to herbal bath salts. This section is all about fun and sharing, so if you have a DIY or nature crafts that you think I should try let me know and I’ll do my best.
Nature Crafts: Floral and greenery wreaths, succulents, seasonal decor
Up-cycling: Waste diversion, waste reduction, mending, and item repair
Sustainable Alternatives: Beeswax food wraps, DIY shopping bags, compostable alternatives, plastic reduction, and green living
Some of my current Nature Crafts articles on The Hip Homestead include:
How to Plant a Beautiful Succulent Kokedama Kit
How to Make Mini-Succulent Pumpkin Planters
Simple DIY Galvanized Wall Planter
See all my DIY Posts here
So that’s it! That’s what The Hip Homestead is all about. No biggie eh?! LOL
If you would like to chat more or have an idea to share feel free to reach out, you can find me on most social channels: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or comment on a recent post.
Thanks for hanging out!